1A3 Training and Education
1A3 Training and Education
Knowledge dissemination is critical in support of the technological innovation of SMEs active in the field of wind power, who should not lack behind in the race of constantly developing wind power technologies.
The specific objective of the Work Package 1A3 'Training and Education' is the development of a number of modules for international courses in the field of wind power and the necessary supporting education and training material.
The Work Package has first made an overview of the existing training courses on wind energy. Click here for for the overview.
Wind Energy Information and Education Network (WEIEN)
In the frame of Task 1A.3.2 of WP1A.3, the Wind Energy Information and Education Network (WEIEN) was developed and is maintained (by ISET).
WEIEN has been designed in order to provide access to training materials to all actors in the wind power field, as well as the software environment for the development of training modules.