5 Control systems
All the public reports published by Work package 5, dealing with Control Systems, can be downloaded here:
Deliverable 5.10 "Work Package 5 Final Report"
Work Package 5 Final
Report New!
Deliverable 5.1.1 "Controller for 5MW reference turbine"
Controller for 5MW
reference turbine
Deliverable 5.1.2 "Supervisory controller and load calculation with Individual Pitch Controller for 5MW reference turbine"
Deliverable 5.1.3 "LIDAR assisted collective pitch control"
LIDAR assisted collective
pitch control
Deliverable 5.2 "Promising load estimation methodologies".
Promising load estimation
Deliverable 5.3 "Online estimation of mechanical loads for wind turbines"
Online estimation of mechanical
loads for wind turbines
Deliverable 5.11 "Wind Turbine Identification in Closed loop operation"
Wind Turbine
Identification in Closed loop operation
Deliverable 5.6.1 "Controller field tests on the NREL CART2 turbine"
Controller field tests on the NREL CART2
Deliverable 5.6.2 "Controller field tests on the NREL CART3 turbine"
Controller field tests on
the NREL CART3 turbine
Deliverable 5.6.3 "REpower Field Test of Active Tower Damping"
REpower Field Test of
Active Tower Damping
Deliverable 5.8 "Review of electrical drive-train topologies"
Review of electrical
drive-train topologies
Deliverable 5.9.1 "Impact of Drivetrain on Wind Farm VAR Control"
Impact of Drivetrain on Wind Farm
VAR Control
Deliverable 5.9.2 "DFIG modelling and LVRT"