6 Remote Sensing
Work Package 6 dealing with Remote Sensing published the following reports:
Deliverable D6.17.1 Final report - Guide to the other deliverables NEW!
Deliverable D6.1.1 Pulsed lidar principles NEW!
Deliverable D6.1.1 CW lidar principles NEW!
Deliverable D6.1.3 Uncertainties in lidar measurements NEW!
Deliverable D6.2.2 Sodar comparison methods NEW!
Deliverable D6.2.3 CW lidar calibration methods NEW!
Deliverable D6.2.4 Sodar calibration by tilting NEW!
Deliverable D6.3.1 CW lidar cloud correction algorithms NEW!
Deliverable D6.3.3 Lidar 3D turbulence NEW!
Deliverable D6.3.4 Turbulence measured by a CW lidar NEW!
Deliverable D6.5.1 Power curves measured by sonics and lidars NEW!
Deliverable D6.5.2 Simultaneous measurements on 2 lidars NEW!
Deliverable D6.6.1 Modelling lidar errors in complex terrain NEW!
Deliverable D6.6.1 Lidar and sodar errors in Greek terrain NEW!
Deliverable D6.6.2 Lidar measurements in Spanish complex terrain NEW!
Deliverable D6.7.1 CW lidar mounted on a wind turbine NEW!
Deliverable D6.14.1 Aerosol statistics and lidar availability NEW!
Deliverable D6.15.1 Lidar measured power curves in flat terrain using equivalent wind speed NEW!
Deliverable D6.15.1 Lidar measured power curves in complex terrain using equivalent wind speed NEW!
Deliverable D6.16.1 Estimating errors in turbulence sensed by lidars NEW!