3 Rotor structure and materials
The following reports of Work Package 3 'Transmission and Conversion' will be available on this website shortly:
Deliverable 3.1.4 Guidelines for design, stress analysis and
testing of a structural blade
detail NEW!
Deliverable 3.2.1.Report A Computational damage model of fiber
reinforced composites NEW!
3.2.1.Report B Stiffness Degradation
Models NEW!
Deliverable 3.2.1.A Background theory and multipole expansion
technique based code NEW!
Deliverable 3.2.1.B Model and numerical study of the micro damage
induced anisotropy NEW!
3.2.1.C Model of fatigue micro damage in FR
composite NEW!
Deliverable 3.2.1.D Model of progressive partial/complete
matrix-fiber debonding NEW!
Deliverable 3.2.1.E Micromechanical fatigue strength theory of
composite NEW!
Deliverable 3.2.3
Experimental validation of
models NEW!
Deliverable 3.2.3.B Micromechanics of diffusion induced damage
evolution in reinforced polymers NEW!
Deliverable 3.2.3.C Low-cycle fatigue analysis of single-fibre cell
model NEW!
Deliverable 3.2.4 Development and testing of compressive damage
model of polymer FRP NEW!
Deliverable 3.3.1 Material model incorporating loss of strength and
stiffness due to fatigue NEW!
3.3.2 Probabilistic strength assessment of FRP
laminates NEW!
Deliverable 3.3.6 Test results of in-plane mechanical properties
for modeling complex stress
states NEW!
Deliverable 3.4.3 Scaling limits & costs regarding WT blades
(connecting WP3 with WP1B4) NEW!
Deliverable 3.3.5 Probabilistic Strength Assessment of Rotor
Blades NEW!
Kushch, V.I., Shmegera, S.V. and Mishnaevsky Jr., L (2008) Meso cell model of fiber reinforced composite: interface stress statistics and debonding paths, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 5 Issue 9 - May 2008 (ISSN 0020-7683)
Hayman, B., Wedel-Heinen, J. and Brøndsted, P. (2008) Materials challenges in present and future wind energy, MRS Bulletin, Vol. 33 April 2008
Brøndsted, P., Holmes, J.W. and Sørensen, B.F (2008) Wind rotor blades materials technology, European Sustainable Energy Review, issue 2- 2008
Mishnaevsky Jr, L. and Brøndsted, P. (2008) Three-dimensional numerical modeling of damage initiation in unidirectional fiber-reinforced composites with ductile matrix, Materials Science and Engineering - Elsevier, (doi:10.1016/j.msea.2007.09.105)
Mishnaevsky Jr, L. and Brøndsted, P. (2007) Modelling of fatigue damage evolution on the basis of the kinetic concept of strength, International Journal of Fractures (doi: 10.1007/s10704-007-9086-1)
Brøndsted, P., Lilholt, H. and Lystrup, A. (2005) Composite materials for wind power turbine blades, Annual Review of Materials Research, Vol. 35 - 2005 (doi: 10.1146/annurev.matsci.35.100303.110641)
Østergaard, R.C., Sørensen, B.F and Brøndsted, P. (2007) Measurement of interface fracture toughness of sandwich structures under mixed mode loadings, Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, Vol. 9 - Sept 2007 445 (DOI: 10.1177/1099636207070578)
Mishnaevsky Jr., L. and Brøndsted, P. (2007) Micromechanical modeling of strength and damage of fiber reinforced composites - Annual Report on EU FP6 project UpWind,Risø Report ex. 1601 - March 2007 (ISBN 978-87-550-3588-1)
Mishnaevsky Jr., L. and Brøndsted, P. (2007) Micromechanical modeling of unidirectional long fiber reinforced composites - introduction and basic training,Risø Report ex. 1234 - January 2007 (ISSN 0106-2840)
Van Leeuwen, D.A., Nijssen, R.P.L., Westphal, T., Stammes, E. (2008) Comparison of static shear test methodologies; test results and analysis, China Wind Power & Global Wind Power 2008, Beijing 29-31 October 2008
Nijssen, R.P.L., González Canales A., Stammes, E. (2008) Subcomponent testing for wind turbine blades, China Wind Power & Global Wind Power 2008, Beijing 29-31 October 2008
Holmes, J.W., Sørensen, B.F, and Brøndsted, P. (2007) Reliability of wind turbine blades: an overview of materials testing, Wind Power Shanghai 1-3 November 2007
Mishnaevsky Jr., L. and Brøndsted, P. (2007) Software for automatic generation of 3D microstructural models of fiber reinforced composites with damageable elements, Risø Symposium 2007
Wang, H. Zhou, H. and Mishnaevsky Jr., L. Single Fiber and multfiber unit cell analysis of strength and cracking of unidirectional composites, International Journal of Fractures
Mishnaevsky Jr., L. and Brøndsted, P. Fiber bridging in GFRP composites: mesomechanical analysis, Stockholm
Brøndsted, P., Holmes, J.W. and Sørensen, B.F (2008) Reliability of wind turbine blades, DMS 2008
*For contributions of WP3 partners to the UpWind mid-term workshop and to the European Wind Energy Conferences 2007, 2008, and 2009, please see the News and Eventssection of this website.