1B2 Transmission and conversion

WP 1B2a.1:Tools for design and analysis of dynamic properties of entire wind turbine systems, with focus on the drive train (RWTH - WZL, SAMT, GEGR-E)
WP 1B2a.2: Drive train load analysis and lifetime prediction (Risø-DTU, RWTH - WZL, BRM-GT, GEGR-E)
WP1B.2a.3 Tools for design and analysis of high reliable and low-noise gearboxes (GEGR-E, BRM-GT, WXL)
WP 1B2b: Generators (AALB, TUDelft, EDBU)
WP 1B2b.1: Comparison of Different Generator Configurations: Design, Wind Energy & Efficiency Considerations. (AALB, TUDelft, EDBU)
WP 1B2b.2: Electromagnetic optimization of direct-drive generators (TUDelft, AAU, UEDIN)
WP 1B2b.3:Optimization of the mechanical structure of direct-drive generators (UEDIN, TUDelft, AAU)
WP1B2c: Power Electronics (GEGR-E, ISET, Robotikker)
2. WP 1B2c.1: Machine-Side Converter (TSK 1)
3. WP 1B2c.2: Line-Side Inverter (TSK 2)
4. WP 1B2c.3: Protection and Line Connection (TSK 3)


Transmission and conversion

Contact details
Mr. Jan Hemmelmann
GE Global Research
Freisinger Landstr. 50
85748 Garching b. München
Tel: +49/89 5528 3416
[email protected]