1B3 Rotor blades and rotor control
Deliverable 12: 1B3 - Final Report: showing the
potential of smart rotor blades and rotor control
Deliverable 1: State of the Art - Knowldege base
report for UpWind project WP1B3
Deliverable 2: 2D comparison of trailing edge
flaps report (R1628)
Deliverable 3: Inventory of actuators and first
order evaluation of 2 actuators and structural concepts
Deliverable 4: Inventory of control
Deliverable 5: 1st order evaluation of smart
blade-hub connection
Deliverables 6-7: 2nd order evaluation aerodynamic
Deliverable 8: Design and verification of an
airfoil with trailing edge flap and unsteady wind tunnel tests
(technical report)
Deliverable 9: Wind tunnel models of airfoils with
trailing edge flap (technical report)
Deliverable 10: Design of a scaled wind turbine
model with a smart rotor for dynamic load control experiments
Deliverable 11: Adaptive wind turbine blade based
on SMA composites
Deliverable 13: Requirements for Smart Rotors -
v2.5 - all contributions
The contributing partners to WP1B3 were:
DUWind-TUDelft, IAG:Uni Stuttgart, IPPT, SWE Uni Stuttgart, IT and
IOP ASCR, Tecnalia, ECN/Uni Twente, LM Wind Power, VTT, and